The art of blogging…

Blogging is cool, let’s just be simple and to the point. People use it as a diary, as a travel log, as a business mean even as a teaching & learning method. Following the 2010 Global education Conference the other day (, amazing idea, amazing content, great delivery), Web 2.0 and its role in developing and improving Education was one of the main themes.

According to several teachers, researchers and studies, it has been proven that nowadays people prefer to blog to share their experience on a topic, than actually write their thoughts down to their notepad or their work book! For me, that I finished school 10 years back, this sounds so amazing! Students in Schools and Universities now want to be heard and want to reach to a bigger audience, through blogging they can reach the world and not only their classmates.

In addition, people seem to feel more comfortable to share their views and feedback through the blogs, which I assume has its advantages and disadvantages.

But, let’s imagine this;

What if our students in Schools and Universities instead of just discussing their questions on a topic during the class or with their Professors, they could discuss them at a place where much more views can be shared, more diverse people can take part? In a blog posting, everyone would have the possibility to attach videos, pictures, sound themes, paste links from other web pages etc. As a result, the reader can get different stimuli from several means and engage in an interactive way in the discussion.

What do you think?

For our food for thought, check the following:


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